How Does Your Personality Relate to Alzheimers?

This trick to lower your Alzheimer’s Disease risk may surprise you. It’s probably more of a way of life really…

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OK… I was called a crabby old man when I turned 18 and it turns out that I may be on to something!

Oh… now I am friendly and outgoing enough but when I’m ready to relax and be by myself, I can be pretty stubborn.

And the happy news I’m learning today is that a research finds that being just a little stubborn and argumentative may just protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Yes it does… It does too… yes it does… Get off my lawn!

Before you go and pick a fight with the next person who looks at you funny, that lack of agreeability would be most effective if accompanied by a healthy dose or curiosity and an aversion to conformity.

Ooh… this gets better all the time… Their writing my biography here!

According to researchers at the University of Geneva, people with that personality combination showed better preservation of brain areas that usually deteriorate and lose volume during the aging process and lead up to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Now a little word about conformity… That doesn’t mean ‘sticking it to the man’ and getting ‘screw you’ tattooed on your forehead… Because that’s what EVERYONE does who’s trying to ‘conform’ to prove they are rebels like EVERYONE else… so you’re conforming with the rebels because that’s what they expect. See how that works!

The research team had been studying a group of elderly people for several years, through the use of both brain imaging and psycho-cognitive evaluations, to make this discovery.

They had theorized that certain personality traits may be able to protect the brain against degeneration, and were proven correct.

Well I know it protects my lawn when I tell kids to “Get off my lawn!.”

In what the researchers call groundbreaking, for decades scientists have been trying to develop an effective treatment against Alzheimer’s that would reverse and repair the brain damage done by excessive levels of amyloid. That’s a small protein believed to be the nastiness in the brain behind Alzheimer’s disease.

Now, this new research suggests that non-biological means, like personality, may be part of the answer!

Scientists say that when outward signs of Alzheimer’s appear, it is often already too late to stave off the disease. They say that this study could change the way these disorders are approached and help create new treatments.

So… In short… people who are “unpleasant,” unafraid of conflict, and resist conformity, appear to have better protected brains. Moreover, this protective property resides exactly where Alzheimer’s is known to take root in memory circuits.

Uh oh… I am not a huge fan of conflict… I might need to change that! Where’s my water… I need to take my back pill so I can go to bed at 6:30… What are you a night owl?

Researchers said that an openness to new experiences also displayed a protective effect, albeit not as prominently as the other traits.

As far as why these specific traits have this effect, the study’s authors remain in the dark. But they believe they’ve taken an important step in better understanding dementia as a whole and effectively treating it.

They conclude it is a – QUOTE – “important part of a complex puzzle.”

OK… I may not be able to change my personality overnight but holy cow… that phrase only the good die young keeps coming back to bite me!

Well Alzheimer’s is truly an AWFUL disease and I am glad there are smart people – way smarter than me – out there working on it!

No turn off the lights, are you trying to interrogate me or something?!

Check out more detail in the link – in the description below – on this and other studies at STUDYFINDS.COM.

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